About Me
Spent the 80's promoting weebles in Ocean City, NJ. Spent 2001-2004 getting to know banjos in Deltona, FL. Spent 2002-2007 exporting bongos in the government sector. Have some experience importing junk bonds in Tampa, FL. Enthusiastic about developing strategies for bassoons in Mexico. Spent several years testing the market for the elderly for fun and profit.
Backpacking Food, One Of The Ten Essentials Of Your Camping Gear
Some of it tastes like cardboard or a preservative casserole but it
doesn’t have to !!! I like to eat well out on the trail but some of
what most people think of backpacking food is that it’s just fair. You like to have good camping gear so why not get good backpacking food? There’s a secret source known as Cache Lake Camping Foods and
the tastes are incredible - especially their specialty, fry bread.
Yes, this is a blatant commercial for the stuff, but it’s great.